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Our goal is to provide a comprehensive counseling program to assist students in maximizing their potential.  We have college and career resources on this website to help students and parents make informed decisions about their futures.  In addition, we have materials available for students and parents in our office. Most importantly, we look forward to working with the students, parents, and staff of Graham High School. 

Classes of 2027 and 2028 Counselor

Amy Collins is the Freshman and Sophomore Counselor and is here to advocate for our students at GHS.  She offers the following services: academic support, scheduling, career awareness and guidance (college, trade school, military), and testing. She is excited to be here and anticipates a wonderful year!  You can contact her at . 

Classes of 2025 and 2026 Counselor

Kaci McClendon is the Junior and Senior Counselor and she brings a passion for helping all students improve themselves and reach their career goals.  She offers a variety of services to students in the areas of personal and academic issues, course selections, career and occupation awareness, testing (achievement, interest, and college entrance testing), selecting a college, obtaining financial aid for college, and armed forces information.  She is thrilled to be on board at Graham High School and is excited to work with the incredible staff and students at GHS!  You can contact her at


Maria Iltis is our "Registrar" and keeps us all on track with her sense of humor. She handles transcript requests, student entry/withdrawal information and many other issues related to student data.   She is more than willing to assist students and parents as they transition to and from Graham High School.



Attendance Clerk

Amanda Gardiner is our Attendance Clerk and strives to help students with their attendance issues. She enters students’ absences, collects doctors and parents’ notes for absences, and works with our Assistant Principal to make sure all students’ absences are accounted for. 



**Please call if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment.  We welcome any opportunity to assist you.

You can reach our office by calling (940) 549-1504 ext. 1003