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Graham FFA
Kaitlyn Blaylock / Terry Whitaker, Sponsors

The Agricultural Education Program is much more than a class. Classroom instruction gives students the knowledge and skills they need for success in today’s world, and students get a chance to practice and apply these knowledge and skills in their Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects (SAE) and through the National FFA Organization. When the three parts are properly integrated, student education is maximized. Students learn important academic, career, technical, and life skills when all types of instruction are used. To make the most of the Agricultural Education Program, all students should participate in FFA and are required to have an SAE project.

Graham High School offers several agricultural courses that fall within the pathways of agriculture mechanics, plant science (including the art course, floral design), animal science and wildlife management, and communication and leadership. Our facilites boast a large welding shop, new greenhouse, and floral lab.

Graham FFA competes in a variety of events at the district, area, and state level. We categoirze these competitions into LDE (Leadership Development Events), SDE (Speaking Development Events), CDE (Career Development Events) and Agriscience Fair. 

Our LDE teams consist of: Jr./ Sr. Chapter Conducting, Jr./ Sr. Creed Speaking, Radio, Job Interview, Jr./ Sr. Skills, Jr./ Sr. Quiz team.

Our SDE teams consiste of: Prepared Public Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking.

Our CDE teams consist of: Horse Judging, Floriculture, Nursery Landscape, Marketing Plan, Range, Land, Cotton, Wool, and Dairy Products.

Livestock showing is another competitive area of the FFA. Students select swine, rabbits, sheep, goats, or cattle that are up to breed and industry standard. They then raise these animals to market weight or breeding age. During this process student learn many valuable lessons that cannot be taught in a classroom setting. It takes dedication, responsibility and hard work to compete in livestock showing. 

Contact Mr. Whitaker or Mrs. Blaylock to find out how to get involved in FFA!

For our FFA webpage and mobile webpage go to:

For further information go to:     National FFA website     Texas FFA website