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Kim Wyatt

Welcome to Geometry! I hope you had a wonderful summer.  I believe that we will have a successful and fun year together.

Geometry is the study of the size, shape and position of 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional figures. In geometry, we will explore spatial sense and geometric reasoning. Analyzing properties of two and three-dimensional shapes, reasoning about geometric relationships and using the coordinate system will be our focus in high school geometry. Studying geometry provides many foundational skills and helps to build the thinking skills of logic, deductive reasoning, analytical reasoning and ​problem solving.

Geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy, sculptures, space, nature, sports, machines, cars and much more.

I want you to have a great learning experience this year. I will be available if you ever need any extra help or have questions about what we are working on.